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Contact Lenses

We are pleased you have selected our doctors, technicians, and staff to work with your contact lens needs. Beginning with initial fitting, and for many years to come, we hope you will be able to enjoy the many benefits that contact lenses offer over traditional spectacles. We offer the latest in both gas permeable and soft disposable materials including lenses for astigmatism, keratoconus, post corneal transplant, cosmetic tints, and bifocal designs. Most people are able to wear contact lenses comfortably, but due to a variety of reasons, some patients may not achieve a successful fit.

The fitting and refitting of contact lenses can be a very straightforward process, but at times can involve a number of visits to achieve a successful fit. New patients to our practice who are currently wearing contact lenses are encouraged to furnish as much contact lens information as possible to minimize additional visits and fees.

Fitting process – new wearers

As our main interest is the health of your eyes, we first perform a complete exam including pupil dilation. Following your examination, your doctor will discuss various contact lens options based on your eyeglass prescription. At a separate fitting appointment, diagnostic lenses will be inserted to check for proper fit and vision. Trial soft disposable lenses are generally dispensed the same day, while gas permeable lenses are custom ordered. At dispensing, our contact lens technician will review proper insertion, removal, disinfection, cleaning, and wearing schedule.  A follow up visit will generally be scheduled in one to two weeks.

Refitting process – established wearers

A complete exam including pupil dilation is first performed. In most circumstances, your current contact lenses will be evaluated at the time of this initial exam. If you are experiencing difficulties with your current contact lenses, a refitting and additional visits may be necessary. Following are a few common reasons why refitting may be necessary:

  • Compromised corneal health
  • Changing to toric lenses for astigmatism
  • Bifocal or monovision lenses for presbyopia
  • Dryness or decreased wearing time
  • Poor comfort or quality of vision

As the time and complexity of refitting varies, different fees are applicable. The majority of refits can be achieved in one or two visits following your initial complete examination. A visit with our contact lens technician may also be necessary to review various aspects of handling, care, and new disinfection methods. At the completion of the contact lens fitting, we will provide you with a contact lens prescription. We sell contacts for your convenience, and have a number of brands in stock for immediate purchase.

Follow-up care

Your fitting (or refitting) fee includes initial fitting, dispensing, starter solutions, and follow-up visits for 60 days. If it is necessary to change the type of lens (e.g. spherical soft to toric soft), the patient would pay the difference in the cost of the original lenses and fitting fee compared to the more expensive lens and fitting fee.

If successful fitting or refitting is not achieved within the 60-day follow-up period, additional fees may apply.

Contact lenses are a prescription medical device that must be assessed on an annual basis and an annual contact lens fee will be charged. For more information on the Federal and State laws governing contact lenses click on the links below. 

Federal Law

State Law

Our Location

Kalamazoo Ophthalmology

3412 West Centre Street
Portage, MI 49024